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南甯園博園采石場花(huā)園,廣西 / 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所




感謝 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所 予gooood分享以下內(nèi)容。 更多關于他(tā)們:ATELIER DYJG on gooood
Appreciations towards ATELIER DYJG for providing the following description:




Quarry No. 1


Quarry No. 1 is a one-hectare quiet pond walled within a rough rock hedge, in which China’s traditional landscape aesthetics is attempted to be embodied. A wooden and irregularly-shaped pavilion is nestled within a rock gap at the edge of a pond, whose structural form is inspired by the local vernacular architecture.

▼景觀要素呈現出中國傳統的(de)詩意的(de)風景美學(xué),landscape elements well-depict the China’s traditional poetic landscape aesthetics © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


It provides visitors with a panorama of green pond and encircling cliff, and babble waterfall on the diagonal opposite. To adapt to the unstable water levels, the pavilion floor is designed floated. A waterfront path links four platforms with varying elevations, offering people with all-round perspectives to enjoy the scenery.

▼亭子(zi)的(de)結構形式從當地(dì)的(de)鄉土(tǔ)建築中獲得靈感,the structural style of the pavilion is inspired by vernacular architecture © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 2

采石場面積僅為(wèi)0.4 hm²,四周岩壁環繞,坑底較平緩,低處常年有積水(shuǐ),是周圍村莊鴨子(zi)嬉戲的(de)樂園。它被設計(jì)成為(wèi)一個(gè)濕生植物(wù)花(huā)園。覆土(tǔ)形成的(de)緩坡從淺水(shuǐ)區(qū)一直延伸至岸上,種植了40多種水(shuǐ)生和濕生植物(wù)。在(zài)地(dì)勢較高(gāo)處設計(jì)了兩層台地(dì),種植喬灌木,為(wèi)花(huā)園創造了背景,也遮擋了破碎的(de)岩壁。山崖上方有路(lù)徑與采石坑底部連接,最高(gāo)的(de)一段是封閉的(de)木盒,既是安全的(de)步行(xíng)通道(dào),也是一個(gè)空中觀景台,人們可在(zài)此欣賞岩壁,俯瞰花(huā)園。木盒下方有一個(gè)寬大的(de)平台,平台引出的(de)之字形鋼格栅棧道(dào)從濕生植物(wù)種植區(qū)穿過。

Quarry No. 2 is surrounded by cliffs on all sides,with an area of only 0.4 ha. The quarry bottom is relatively flat and accumulates water perennially. The quarry is designed as an aquatic garden. The zigzag steel grating walkway winds through the planting zone and connects to a platform that further extends to a path above the cliff, accessed by several flights of steps. The section with the highest elevation features a closed wooden box, which is also an aerial viewing platform where people can appreciate a captivating view of the cliff and the entire garden expanse.

▼2号采石場被設計(jì)成濕生植物(wù)花(huā)園,the quarry was transformed as an aquatic plant garden © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼一條路(lù)徑連接了山崖上方的(de)水(shuǐ)渠棧道(dào)與采石坑底部的(de)平台,a path connects cliff-top to the platform at the pit-bottom © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 3


Quarry No. 3 is bordered by the cliff on three sides and was designed as a delicate rock garden. The abandoned soil and gravel on site were utilized as the base of the garden’s subtle landform, with planting soil wrapping its surface. A moderately-sized terrace garden is designed near the main road, creating a unique desert plant landscape.

▼采石場基址呈碗狀,三面環繞岩壁 ,Quarry No. 3 is bordered by the cliff on three sides and was designed as a delicate rock garden © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


The gentle-sloping section in the center consists of a dry garden, while the southern concave section showcases hygrophilous rock plants with water cascading into the lowest pond. Two platforms with different elevations are constructed at the edge of the concave area, where people can enjoy a charming view of the garden.

▼采石場設計(jì)為(wèi)精緻的(de)岩石園, delicate rock garden © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼變化(huà)(huà)豐富的(de)台地(dì)與沙漠植物(wù)景觀, moderately-sized terrace garden and desert plant landscape © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 4


Quarry No. 4 is a large pond embraced by cliffs, with green and clear water. Viewing platforms sit on both northern and southern sides of the quarry. The northern platform is a Corten steel corridor located at the quarry’s edge, unraveling a long strip window towards the quarry, where visitors can feast their eyes on the steep cliff towering over 40 meters above the water surface. At the southern end of the corridor, people can enjoy an overlooking view of the charming pond situated beneath and the waterfront platform on the opposite side, offering a thrilling and exciting experience.

▼4号采石場俯瞰 ,aerial view of the quarry no.4 © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


On the southern side of the quarry, a wedge-shaped platform stretches out from a gap among the rocks. It hangs above the waters and connects to the lower waterfront platform through a curved bridge. Through an earthing-up process, vegetation was restored around the quarry as well as the gentle slope inside, which revives the quarry garden meanwhile highlights the steepness of cliffs.

▼采石坑北(běi)側的(de)高(gāo)處的(de)長(cháng)廊和南側低處的(de)棧橋和平台,The higher corridor on the north side of the quarry and the lower boardwalk with platform on the south © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼懸于峭壁之上的(de)耐候鋼長(cháng)廊,the Corten steel corridor on the edge of the quarry © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 5


Quarry No. 5 is the largest among the seven quarries, enclosed by dilapidated cliff with terraced rocks sitting at the bottom. The quarry has transformed into a lake, caused by the continuously-rising water level. Two areas with relatively shallow mining depths were earthed up above the water surface, and planted with trees such as pond cypress and Chinese cypress, creating an aquatic woods landscape. Bridges and walkways of varying heights crisscross above the water and through the woods, creating a connection with the hilltop view platform. A waterfall is designed on the opposite of the bridge, forming a scenery spot accordingly.

▼不(bù)同高(gāo)度的(de)棧橋引導人們進入采石坑內(nèi)部 ,bridges and walkways of varying heights crisscross above the water © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼棧道(dào)通往山坡高(gāo)處的(de)觀景台,the Corten steel path leading to the viewing platform at the hilltop © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 6


Quarry No. 6 was transformed into a romantic and gorgeous garden with post-industrial atmosphere, utilizing sand production machines left onsite. Along the southern cliff are several terraces with various thicknesses of earthing soil, meeting the needs of various plants, from herbs to trees. Most of the leftover equipment was set in the verdant greens that contrast with the rusty machinery. The paths twist among the terraces of different heights and under the overhead conveyor belt. Wooden benches along the paths and platforms provide comfortable venues for rest and relaxation.

▼具有後工業氣氛的(de)浪漫絢麗(lì)的(de)台地(dì)花(huā)園,romantic and gorgeous terrace garden with post-industrial atmosphere © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼不(bù)同覆土(tǔ)厚度的(de)台地(dì)滿足不(bù)同植物(wù)生長(cháng)的(de)需要,various thicknesses of earthing soil meet the needs of plants © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


Quarry No. 7


Quarry No. 7 Comprises of two small quarry pits located on two sides of a hill. Abandoned for years, a variety of native pioneer plants have grown out of cracks in the rocks, displaying a natural landscape. With only a few interventions, a ring-shaped walkway skirting the hillside between two pits and a small platform on the edge of the west pit are constructed. They affords visitors a wild view , which demonstrates natural forces and functions in the restoration of quarries. Both walkway and platform adopt steel grating that transmit light and water, preserving the natural vegetation on site.

▼7号采石場概覽 – 山頂的(de)環形棧道(dào)和水(shuǐ)邊的(de)平台,overall of the Quarry No. 7:The ring-shaped walkway atop the hill and waterside platform © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


With the design well-fitted with its original landform and landscape features, seven dilapidated and desolate quarries have undergone a fascinating transformation into a series of unique gardens. They demonstrate the promising possibilities and showcase to the public the diversified methods of quarry eco-restoration as well as the multiple dimensions of landscape art.

▼荒涼的(de)采石場轉變成獨特的(de)系列花(huā)園 ,desolate quarries transform into a series of unique gardens © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所


An existing aqueduct runs across the site, transporting water from nearby spring to surrounding villages and farms. As a witness of site’s agricultural history, it is well-preserved for irrigation water supply of the area, retaining its original function. Above the aqueduct is a pedestrian bridge that connects to the paths toward the adjacent quarry gardens, creating a unique three-dimensional tour system in this area. A 600m2 pavilion provides various tourist services such as sales, rest, shuttle bus ticketing, etc., and also showcases the history and eco-restoration processes and methods of the quarry gardens.

▼木結構的(de)信息亭,pavilion with wooden structure © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所

▼信息亭細部,details of the pavilion © 北(běi)京多義景觀規劃設計(jì)事務(wù)所
